3S Class Picture

3S Class Picture

Monday, August 31, 2015

Prove It!

Today's math anchor activity asked, "What is the value of 64 tens? How can you prove your answer is correct?"  As students began writing their answers, I pushed them to show their thinking.  This is a hard task for most Third Graders, especially those who have fluid mental strategies.  I was extremely pleased by the variety of strategies students were using to solve this problem.  Here are a few ways students proved their thinking today:
M and A began by counting out 64 tens (the long base-10 blocks in front of them on the rug).  
They quickly realized it would be much faster to count 10 tens, or 100, and show this using the flats.  As they completed this proof, they laid out 6 flats and 4 longs, or 600 + 40.  This hands on strategy is a great way to use a concrete tool for computation of a tricky number!
The above student used a very similar strategy, but showed her thinking using the pictorial form.  She counted the tens under each symbol for base-10 blocks. 
This student used word form and standard form to explain his thinking. Not
pictured is his thinking that included using a number bond to look at 64 tens as 60 and 4 tens.  
Finally, I complimented this student on using his "professor skills" as he wrote a narrative of his thinking.  This is exceptional work and he really put a lot of effort into writing all of his thinking!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Galaxy to Home

     Geography involves a lot of vocabulary!  So, before we jump into "visiting" all the amazing places around the world, it is important for us to identify some helpful vocabulary!  We practiced this vocabulary by considering our own location from "BIG picture" to doorstep-Galaxy to Home.  Ask students if they can identify their location by identifying our
Galaxy (Milky Way)
Planet (Earth)
Continent (North America)
Country (United States)
State (Missouri)
City/County (St. Louis City or St. Louis County)
Township or Municipality (we used Glenridge to explore Clayton)
Home Address (we used Glenridge's address)
   Later next week we will identify which locations are Relative Location (approximate location) or Absolute Location (exact location).
   We explored our locations using Google Earth on our ipads.  Students enjoyed "traveling" amongst their various locations!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Smile Files

   As Third Graders arrived, they were excited to find special notes from some special people at their seats! They smiled and shared their notes! 
   We decided to glue the notes into their Smile Files. Smile Files are personal folders that students reflect on quotes, write happy thoughts, and decorate with special keepsakes.  The notes were the perfect addition!  Here are a few photos of their reactions!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Thank you families!

I want to write a quick thank you to all the amazing, positive, supportive families that joined me tonight for Curriculum Night! I know family time is incredibly important and I appreciate you joining me this evening! This is going to be an amazing school year! I know I am incredibly lucky to spend my days with some special children, but now I feel even more excited about the connections and teamwork ahead of us!  Please let me know if you have any questions at all! 

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Value of Zero

   What is the value of zero?  Some students thought this was a trick question, and as we discussed thoughts, the understanding of zero as a place holder was solidified.  To further understanding of place value, we played a game that you could try at home!
   Use a six-sided dice and roll 4 numbers.  These are the digits you will use.  Decide if you and your partner will make the greatest number possible or least number possible with the four digits.  Next, each partner shows the number using four representations of numbers- standard form, word form, expanded form, and picture form.  Finally, find the number that is 10 more, 10 less, 100 more, or 100 less than the starting number.  Compare results and begin the next round!    

Friday, August 21, 2015

How might the world have looked 200 million years ago?

Day one of our social studies and science unit focused on the changing world and I can tell this is a class that asks great questions! Please ask your child the question in the headline and allow them to tell their theory!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Inspiring Other Writers

   As we begin our first writing unit focused on Personal Narrative, we come together to tell true stories from our lives. Developing the art of storytelling helps ready us for the writing that will soon take place.  I enjoy hearing the stories students can't wait to tell! 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Don't Steal My Struggle!

   There is a beautiful photograph of a butterfly on our Math workbooks.  Ask your child to tell you the story of the butterfly and them ask them to explain how it connects to math!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Why is coaching an important skill to use during math?

   Math is a time of our day when I strive to create many opportunities for challenges.  I might challenge a student to stick with a problem, to try another strategy, to check their work, or to explain their thinking in words (written or verbal).  There is a lot of coaching that goes into this and I want my students to use their coaching skills each day in math when they work with other thinkers.
   Our math lesson today was focused on just that- coaching!  We focused on working with another team mate without telling them the answer.  You can try this at home also.  Solve a problem that your child is working on another way (other than the strategy the student used).  Then explain your strategy to your child without giving the answer you arrived at.  This will model coaching.  Next, ask your child to explain their thinking and how they arrived at their answer.  Praise your child on the effort they put into working and considering another strategy!  Compare answers and celebrate your hard work!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Our Happy Place

Today, I asked the class to consider what their 'Happy Place' was and why.  As we entered a new space in Glenridge, called the Maker Space, students were greeted by Mrs. Slodounik.  She prompted them to think of our space as a city and gave each student the task of creating a place that would contribute to the happiness of our city.
   This project proved to be individual as well as collaborative.  I appreciated the insight into student's reasoning for creations.  Some creations included (along with some student reasonings):
-2 movie theaters for entertainment-one student created an outdoor screen and another one was an indoor creation.  One student said "You can't be happy without a movie!"
-3 types of parks- one water park complete with water slides, one community park because "we need a calm place to go for peace," and a playground because "playing makes everyone happy"!
-A governor's house that Batman also shares because "you need people to help keep the city a happy place!"
-a variety of homes because "everyone wants to live in a happy city"!
-a museum with history (and mummies!)
-a professional lacrosse field
-2 hospitals and an ambulance because "safety is important and we need a place to help those in need"!
-a research facility with solar panels on the roof
-a light tower because our city should be next to a large body of water (Mrs. Schuh agrees!)
-a tower with offices
-2 schools because "we need to learn to stay happy!"

Friday, August 14, 2015

Best Year of Reading Ever

Our afternoons are filled with students talking to each other about what they are reading! It has been a great week of book shares and I can't wait to hear even more next week! 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

What do you look like when you feel successful?

I posed this question today and the first answer I recieved was 'smiling!' Look at these beautiful smiles!!! 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

An Amazing First Day of School!

   We had a fabulous first day of Third Grade!  I was greeted with smiles, hugs, and photo ops! (I LOVE photo ops, so please send me a copy!)  What more could you ask for? 
   As we entered the classroom, I looked at a room full of eager, positive, beautiful children.  They were excited to participate, explore, and just get started!  My favorite part of the day was an activity we did to learn about our classroom.  I assigned small groups to explore nooks around the room, predict what we would be using various things for, and shared how to use our resources.  Students presented their findings to each other and listened so respectfully.  This activity symbolizes that our classroom is as much mine as it is the students'.  They realize they can help each other with the resources given, and most importantly, when you work as a team, you are stronger (and have more fun!).