3S Class Picture

3S Class Picture

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

A Sad Farewell!

   We said goodbye today to a sweet friend!  Thomas is moving back to China.  We made a memory book for him and students made him farewell cards!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Playdoh Landforms

   We learned about the characteristics of specific landforms today by using those characteristics to make each landform with playdoh!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Our Changing World

 Since our Geography unit and Science unit- Soils, Rocks, and Landforms- are so connected, we teach all the objectives as one "Changing World" unit.  Our focus up until this point has been heavy in geography (location based).  Now that we are moving on to what places are like, we can focus on the ground up- soil!
   Today we learned about physical weathering.  Ask your child how rocks break apart!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Homecoming Celebration!

   The CHS Marching Band and Cheerleaders visited Glenridge Friday morning!  We celebrated CHS Homecoming with them!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Heart of the Story

   Our writers developed their "heart of the story" today!  The heart of the story is the most memorable part of the story.  We first identified the hearts of our own story today, then zoomed into the moment, telling it bit by by.  We learned how to tell this part like it is a movie.  Writers use sensory details and drama to do this.  
   Here are two examples of what writers did today.  The heart of their stories are shown with the big red heart and the writing they added is below that.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Mind Mapping

   To review our learning about location, we took a little trip out to the blacktop!  I asked review questions to 4 groups and instructed them to make a map of our world from memory!  They did a really nice job!
First, we began with our Cardinal Directions (N,S,W,E).  We figured out which way was east because the sun was still rising!

After we established our directions, we could place our Equator and lines of latitude, plus our Primer Meridian and lines of longitude.

We were ready to map our continents and oceans!  

This activity could be a great activity to do at home!  Let your child give you the directions and coach you into making a mind map!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Trying Multiple Leads

   We read many examples of leads that hook readers.  Leads are the first few sentences or paragraphs that begin a piece of writing.  Ask your Third Grader what types of leads they are trying out!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Spotlight on Art!

   Students are focused on mixing colors inspired by Vincent Van Gogh.  The colors express emotion-just like Van Gogh!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Latitude and Longitude Game

   After we learned how to find a place using latitude and longitude, we played a game using our desk maps!  I wrote the latitude and longitude of a mystery place on the board and partnerships used their skills to find the place!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

A Terrific Tuesday!

   We had a very insightful discussion to begin the day! The discussion was around our quote of the week! 
   In math, we used similar mental strategies for subtraction that we used for addition!
   We ended our day in Library using our personal Destiny accounts.  Destiny is our library catalog.  Students can recommend books to friends, reserve books, and more! 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Making Mental Math Visual

   In this Mental Math unit, we are focusing on strategies that help us compute mentally, but also how we show our thinking in words or visuals.  We practiced today with 4 strategies.  Unfortunately, my photograph from today's lesson would not upload.
   Here are the strategies:
1.  Add the tens, then add the ones.  For example:  53+13= 50 + 10= 60, and 3+3=6.  60+6=66.
2.  Number bonds.  For example:  56 + 7 = Think "I need 4 more to get to 60, I will have 3 l3ft from the 7.  So, 56 + 7= 63.
3.  Add the nearest 10, then subtract the extra.  For example: 62 + 19= 62 + 20= 82, 82- 1= 81
4.  Number lines:  For example:  Start the number line with the largest number.  If we use 62 +19 again, begin the number line with 62.  Jump 10 on the number line and show 72, then add the 9 and end on 81.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Sharing Our Writing

   At the conclusion of each Writers Workshoo, I invite students to share the work they devoted to their current piece of writing!  We had so many eager to share today! It's inspiring to listen to their hard work and I admire their bravery to share their writing! 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Mix It Up Lunch

   Each CLAYMO day we will have a mix-it-up lunch! The lunch seating will depend on chance.  Today, kids chose a colored ring and sat at the matching table.  The tables have conversation starters and questions to answer throughout the lunch!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Our Changing Earth

   I asked the kids to ponder the following question-what did the Earth look like 200 million years ago?  This led up to a conversation about Pangaea-a suspect continent.  We had an exploration of plate tectonics and then tried to complete a puzzle of the super continent.  

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Galaxy to Home

    We began our day with the following question- how big is the community we are a part of and how small is that community?  Google Earth was the perfect tool to explore the Galaxy (largest community) right down to our own home!   Google Earth is an app you can download to your computer, phone, or tablet and offers many educational opportunities! I encouraged the kids to continue exploring at home!      
   Through this exploration, I realized many Third Graders could use some practice writing their address.  Students recieved a practice sheet that will be due on Friday.  Please help them write their address once, spelling and capitals included, and then allow them to practice!