3S Class Picture

3S Class Picture

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Monday, October 24, 2016

Stinkin' Monday

Our fifth grade students are hosting a Socktober fundraiser.  Interested to learn more? Check out this link:  

Today we had "Stinky Feet Day."  Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday and Friday will be PJ Day!  Please send in donations of socks or money this week! Thanks for your support!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

A Busy (Short) Week

   Thank you so much for the time and support during conference week!  Unfortunately, the blog suffers during times like these!  Of course learning happened and I can't wait to share that with you!
   We are wrapping up stream tables and have been investigating floods and slope.  We learned a lot about landforms this week through the stream tables.  Ask a 3rd grader if they can point out any of the landforms in the photos below!

   On Thursday, we celebrated our first published writing!  Students enjoyed "falling into great writing!"  Ask a 3rd grader what that means to them!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Stream Tables with Slope

How does slope affect erosion and deposition?  Ask a Schuh Star to explain which natural landform we simulated using the stream tables today and what they learned from the investigation!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Art Update

In Art, students learned about art in the form of tapestries from Peru-called arpilleras.  Students are representing land using construction paper! 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Subtracting Across Zeros

We shared "traditional" strategies for subtracting across zeros.  I demonstrated a way to "shift the difference" instead of regrouping 3 times across zeros-this can lead to chaos! Shifting the difference simply means subtracting one from each of the numbers and then finding the difference.  See the second posted picture for a visual!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Stream Tables

   We set up our Stream Tables today!  We will use the Stream Tables as a model of our land.  We will investigate how water affects the land, how water sculpts landforms, and much more!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Campfire Conversations

   What do you think of when you think about subtraction or the process of subtraction?

100% Smart

What does it mean to be 100% smart?  Ask a Schuh Star!  I can't wait to share this project with you at Parent-Teacher Conferences!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016