3S Class Picture

3S Class Picture

Monday, November 7, 2016

Kids Vote!

   Glenridge 5th graders led the Kids Vote program!  Students filled out their Voter's ID card, checked in at the voters table, and then voted in a private booth!  The results from Glenridge Kids Vote will be posted on Wednesday!

Non-fiction Fun!

   We have been examining non-fiction texts, such as articles, with a partner.  We are focusing on finding main ideas and supporting details.  Partners take turn using their palm to "hold" the main idea and fingers to name supporting details!

Geography Jeopardy!

   It was review day for our Social Studies test!  We played a fun game of Geography Jeopardy!


   We explored the effects of humans to the environment one more time today!  Today we used an Enviroscape to simulate a neighborhood, factory, construction site, farm, and highway.

River Experience by Luke

Today we did a land and water project , so we had groups and we had a million dollars to

spend on building something.  When we put the river back together, we learned the pollution flows with the river.  The Mississippi River is an example of this.  The pollution from St. Louis and the other cities along the Mississippi River flows to New Orleans.  After we learned what everyone built, we had to modify our creation.  It could not take pollution so it was a lot of thinking but It was still fun.  I learned that water can be polluted.

Who "owns" a River?

   Today we experienced ways humans impact the environment by zooming in on human effects to water.  I began by telling the class we won huge prize- a river!  To be fair, I divided the river up equally and allowed small groups to decide what we should build along the river.  I prompted them to dream big and let them go without a price tag!  Here is how the river turned out- we have a Sports World, a Tree-House Hotel, a Super Game Land, a zoo, a National Park, and more!

   As each group presented their plans, we discussed how they might impact the river.  For example, the Sports World planned a cool complex, but left out trash cans!  We placed beads in the water depending on the pollution.

   This led us to a conversation about river cities- such as St. Louis.  I mapped out the river as if it was the Mississippi- we placed Itasca at the north, St. Louis in the center, and New Orleans south.  We talked about the cities north of St. Louis contribute to the pollution we see in the Mississippi, as well as how we pollute the river here and so on to New Orleans.
   The final part of this lesson was focused on how we can make changes to our plans to minimize pollution!


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Happy Halloween!

Thank you to all the parent volunteers who organized and provided a fun-filled Halloween party!  We had so much fun!

African Dance

   Our K-5 students learned a lot about Africa and traditional dances during PE this week!  We celebrated this learning with a community dance!  Check out these moves!

Biographies and Autobiographies

   Mrs. Hagene taught us a lesson about the difference between an autobiography and a biography!  We read Wangari's Trees of Peace to practice identifying a narrative version of a biography!

Bar Modeling Madness

   We love bar modeling because they help us organize our thinking when working through multiple step problem solving!  Check out this hard work!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Stinkin' Monday

Our fifth grade students are hosting a Socktober fundraiser.  Interested to learn more? Check out this link:  

Today we had "Stinky Feet Day."  Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday and Friday will be PJ Day!  Please send in donations of socks or money this week! Thanks for your support!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

A Busy (Short) Week

   Thank you so much for the time and support during conference week!  Unfortunately, the blog suffers during times like these!  Of course learning happened and I can't wait to share that with you!
   We are wrapping up stream tables and have been investigating floods and slope.  We learned a lot about landforms this week through the stream tables.  Ask a 3rd grader if they can point out any of the landforms in the photos below!

   On Thursday, we celebrated our first published writing!  Students enjoyed "falling into great writing!"  Ask a 3rd grader what that means to them!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Stream Tables with Slope

How does slope affect erosion and deposition?  Ask a Schuh Star to explain which natural landform we simulated using the stream tables today and what they learned from the investigation!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Art Update

In Art, students learned about art in the form of tapestries from Peru-called arpilleras.  Students are representing land using construction paper!