Today, I asked the class to consider what their 'Happy Place' was and why. As we entered a new space in Glenridge, called the Maker Space, students were greeted by Mrs. Slodounik. She prompted them to think of our space as a city and gave each student the task of creating a place that would contribute to the happiness of our city.
This project proved to be individual as well as collaborative. I appreciated the insight into student's reasoning for creations. Some creations included (along with some student reasonings):
-2 movie theaters for entertainment-one student created an outdoor screen and another one was an indoor creation. One student said "You can't be happy without a movie!"
-3 types of parks- one water park complete with water slides, one community park because "we need a calm place to go for peace," and a playground because "playing makes everyone happy"!
-A governor's house that Batman also shares because "you need people to help keep the city a happy place!"
-a variety of homes because "everyone wants to live in a happy city"!
-a museum with history (and mummies!)
-a professional lacrosse field
-2 hospitals and an ambulance because "safety is important and we need a place to help those in need"!
-a research facility with solar panels on the roof
-a light tower because our city should be next to a large body of water (Mrs. Schuh agrees!)
-a tower with offices
-2 schools because "we need to learn to stay happy!"