3S Class Picture

3S Class Picture

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Our "Happy Place" By Mrs. Schuh

   Parks, a hospital, nature, reading nooks, and more were created to contribute to our collective "Happy Place!"  Before we could jump right in to a bonafide "Happy Place," we had some work to do!  As a class, we worked hard to discuss and agree on the following 'Ways We Want Our Class to Be." 

We support each other by listening and cooperation.  We like to say “You can do it!”
or “How can I help you?”

We value learning, creativity, and kindness.  We remember to “just be nice”
and use our manners.

We take responsibility to keep our selves and others safe.   We value being unique (different is good!).
We are a positive, happy, smiling, fun team that loves to explore!  We try to smile often, have fun,
and try new things!

     We created a "Happy Place" and allowed creativity, passion, and a little engineering to drive individual projects.  Students were inspired to create something  (anything that makes themselves and others happy) to contribute to our "Happy Place."  They were given a small LED light and "button battery" without directions on how to create their "light."  All students successfully created light and incorporated their light into their Happy Place project.  (Are you getting all these metaphors? :) They proudly let their lights shine!)
   As students presented their project to the class, they explained why their addition to the Happy Place was necessary.  Students learned about each others' passions (parks=nature, hospitals=helping others, etc.) and were very proud of the Happy Place they created as a team! 

Collaboration, Curiosity, and Can-do! By Mrs. Schuh

   There is much to celebrate about our start to 3rd grade!  This group of students waltzed into 3rd grade ready for anything!  This class has an overall "Can-do" attitude-such a delight and extremely fun to plan for learning!  We have spent much of the month of August getting to know each other and forming team spirit.  I enjoy watching them collaborate and learn about each other! 
   As I shared on Curriculum Night, my goals are to help each child feel safe and positive at school.  I also strive to incorporate collaboration and curiosity (inquiry) into each lesson plan.  Parent communication is always on my mind, and constantly looking for ways to improve!  I plan on blogging alongside my students this school year.  As a parent myself, I constantly check my daughter's classroom blog.  I can't get enough of the photos and stories her teachers post.  As a teacher, I realize the importance of allowing my students opportunities to share their learning.  So, my "Schuh's News" blog will be a shared blog this school year and I hope you find yourself checking in often to see what is going on in with the Schuh Stars!  

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Meet the New Schuh Stars!

This first post of the 2014-2015 school year was written by all 19 Schuh Stars!
   Walking in on the first day of school was exciting because we started 3rd grade with our new teacher Mrs. Schuh!  Mrs. Schuh is a very nice person and if you were a little nervous, she helped by saying "It's ok, because the day will feel like it goes super fast!  Everyone is nervous, and so am I!"  Mrs. Schuh also told us about our schedule and routines.  She asked us to be experts of one nook in our room.  When we explored our nook, we got to tell the class about it and name them!  Our nooks are named 'The Living Room,' 'The Great Un-Nook,' 'The Computer Kingdom,' 'The Book Nook,' and the 'Math Corner.' 
    Mrs. Schuh writes our schedule in questions because she wants us to think about what we are learning and be able to answer the questions after we learn and explore!  Also, on the first couple of days, we did not get much homework!  If we did get homework, it was fun!  We were really tired for those first few days!!!